29th International Trade Fair of Practice Enterprise in Prague

Binding application form

Before you start filling the binding application form,  you have to know all the following information. Binding application forms without correct informations will not be accepted.

Please prepare billing and contact information for the fictitious company, your high school, and the responsible faculty member.

Teacher's contact

Application for competitions

All companies, which apply to all 4 main competetions above at on-line fair, are automatically listed in competetion: Company of the Trade Fair.

Would your teacher like to take part in rating of the stands?

If so, please fill in the contact information about the teacher who will evauate the stands:

Application for cultural programme

Do members of your practice enterprise possess acting, singing or other talent which they could contribute to the culture programme? Are you interested in representing your region or your city? You have an oppurtunity to enrol in the culture programme and help us enlive the main programme of the Trade Fair! We are looking forward to your performance!
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